4th Dimension Presents Tennessee Williams “A Streetcar Named Desire” Directed By Praveen Kumar Translated By 4th Dimension (Hindi ) 18th February 2024 6:30 pm At AKSHARA THEATRE 11-B Baba Kharag Singh Marg New Delhi-110001 ( Adjacent to RML Hospital Gate No – 5, nearest Metro Station Patel Chowk ) About the Play: “A Streetcar Named Desire” is an American play written by Tennessee Williams in 1947. This is the story of a lady named “Sanskriti”(Blanche Dubois ). She belongs to the elite class but after dealing with a series of unfortunate events and losing everything she had, she comes to live with her sister “Devika” (Stella Dubois) and her husband ‘Dev” (Stanley Kowalski), a working-grade employee leading a substandard life. She finds her sister in such a poor condition that she is uncomfortable and reluctant to accept it. Sanskriti wants to make her oblivious sister realise about her terrible condition and in the process of rescuing her sister, she loses herself. As the title suggests, it’s Sankrit
18th to 24th February 2024 at evening 6:30 pm will be shown At AKSHARA THEATRE
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